Business type of Alizarin
Stay focused on the company rather than company type of Alizarin Coating Co, Ltd.. We're a business dedicated to the creation and sales of inkjet iron on paper . We're created for gain. To be able to generate gain, we've made every attempt to perform R&D and attain quantity production. A copy of business license might be provided if you truly care about it.

Alizarin is a preferred brand of inkjet transfer paper in China by virtue of its excellent service quality. Alizarin's fabric transfer paper series are created based on unremitting efforts. Alizarin dark inkjet transfer paper adopts modern production model. The product has high strength and resilience. The product is highly acclaimed in the market for its optimum quality. It can be heated by heat press machines or home irons.

we leads the inkjet transfer paper roll industry with the quality service. Check now!
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